The article is a study of the works of one of the most prominent representatives of the Pre-Raphaelite movement, D. G. Rossetti, entitled "Welcome to Beatrice on Earth and in Eden". The work is interesting because this diptych is presented in the author's frame, developed specifically for these two paintings. The study is based on the methodology of philosophical art of Vedic analysis on the idea of works of art as a unity of works-things and artistic image, according to modern theories of art. The analysis of the diptych by D. G. Rossetti "Welcome to Beatrice on Earth and in Eden" in the author's frame allows us to see that in the proposal of the Pre-Raphaelites, decorative and applied art is not only one of the important types of art present in the synthesis of arts. Elements of decorative and applied art in the interpretation of the masters of the Pre-Raphaelite brotherhood act as full-fledged representatives of the artistic image. The frame of the work is no longer just a detail of the design of the work-thing, but becomes an indispensable element of the integrity of the artistic image. It is the frame in the work of D. G. Rossetti that not only unites itself with the diptychs, but also builds and interacts the spectacle with the paintings, the visual entrance auditorium in the space of the diptych and the exit. But the main thing is that the frame is the element that resolves the dilemma posed in the painting parts of the diptych.
D. G. Rossetti, diptych "Salvatio Beatricis in Terra et in Eden", author's frame, decorative and applied arts, Peraphaelites
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