Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the modern socio-cultural situation of the world, there is a change in the value system, which largely determines the interpretation of past meanings in religious art. Christianity is the world's largest religion, which has its own attributes of faith, for example, such as temples. The task of building temples in the context of modern times is to interpret the idea of Christianity as such with the help of new materials, new ideas, and taking into account the modern concept of human thinking. In the era of postmodernism, a distinctive feature of society is the high segmentation of various spheres of human activity, which makes the individual necessarily participate in all these spheres of life. To realize such an opportunity, a person is forced to accelerate and even superficially participate in one or another sphere of life. The trend described above can also be traced in the religious sphere of a Christian's life. Thus, a thinking creator cannot help but have a desire, through his work of art, to return the Christian's thought to the mainstream of Christian aesthetics, which states that communication with God is comprehended through sensory cognition, through beauty and art. Religious revival is impossible without the restoration, preservation and use of cult art – the most important component of church life. The subject of this research is the study of the theological, material and index signs of the cult architectural structure "Church of Light". In the study of the "Church of Light" designed and built by the Japanese architect Tadao Ando in 1989 in Osaka, a conceptual approach will be used to take into account the modern reflection of old meanings.

"Church of Light", Tadao Ando, description-analysis, Japanese tradition, influence of Christianity

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