Institutionalized Individualism in Post-collectivist China: concept by Sandra V. Constantin
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyzes the modern theory of institutionalized individualism as a process of socialization characteristic of modern China. A well-known world-class specialist in the field of latent social inequality, professor at the University of Geneva (Switzerland) Sandra V. Constantine in her monograph «A Life Course Perspective on Chinese Youths. From the Transformation of Social Policies to the Individualization of the Transition to Adulthood» examines the specific conditions and patterns of a number of social processes of modern Chinese youth. Considering individualization as a natural phenomenon of the economy and culture of modernity, Sandra V. Constantine points out a number of historical and political features of China that make the individualization of Chinese youth significantly different from similar processes in the youth environment of other countries. Individualization of youth in modern China occurs in the socio-economic space, which is still controlled by the party and state structures of the Communist Party of China, at the same time, the CPC at the present stage makes individualization of youth one of the ideological principles, placing personal responsibility on young people for their success and for the risks of achieving or failing to achieve this success. At the same time, since the reform and opening up policy, the collectivist institutions created in the Maoist era have been destroyed, and the ideology of Maoism is no longer fundamental to the worldview of young people, which allows Sandra V. Constantine to characterize contemporary Chinese society as “post-collectivist” and “post-Maoist”.

People's Republic of China, Chinese youth, individualization, Chinese society, social inequality

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