Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This paper discusses the current topic of physicality in the religious experience of a believer. The multidimensional perception of the body in religion indicates a variable attitude towards that part of a person, which is the basis of his existence and movement in this world. The topic of corporeality is actively studied within the framework of phenomenology, philosophy, and sociology. The concept of “subjectivity”, components of religious experience and the origin of religious emotions and religious sentiments are analyzed. It was found that religious experience affects the activation of the human physiological system (this is evidenced by an increase in heart rate and respiratory rate). Also, an interesting observation is the fact that most theists claim that God has attributes (and this we can also trace in many different religious cultures in which many names of God are mentioned, modifying his qualities, his properties, his attributes), but theists are predominantly talk about psychological attributes rather than physiological ones. God has desires, rules, rights, but God cannot have biological and physiological data. However, believers are ready to study God through their physicality. Corporality as a way of relations with the World, with Others gives the necessary manifestations of one’s feelings towards the Divine, the Eternal. In the context of Asian countries, the body is a vessel for enriching the spiritual power received from the Masters, from the material culture of religion, and even here the manifestation of this desire comes through physically touching the Masters, walking in the places where they lived, wearing the clothes of the guru and eating leftover food guru. The goal of rapprochement with the sacred is achieved through corporeality, which is revealed as the symbolic meaning of flesh as a driving force for overcoming one’s creatureliness and finitude.

corporeality, religious experience, bodily experience, sacred

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