Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
. Folklore of the North of Siberia and the Far East indigenous peoples, in particular the Evenks, plays an important role in preserving the intangible culture, worldview and historical heritage of these peoples. In the globalization context and cultural unification, Evenk folklore is a necessary source of knowledge about the life, beliefs and worldview of the Evenks. This article examines the figure of the antagonist in Evenk folklore, which embodies not only dangers and challenges, but also reflects the basic values of the Evenk worldview. The antagonist plays a key role in the narrative structure of the Evenk folklore texts. The article proposes the classification and functions of the antagonist within the framework of the general mythology and cosmogony of the Evenks. The research is based on the conceptual provisions of the theory of myth, semiotic and interpretative approach in culture. The complex figure of the antagonist is considered both in connection with the hero and independently. The classification of antagonists within the framework of the Evenk heroic epic is proposed. Their main functions, place in the work and influence on the formation of the overall picture of the world.

Evenks, antagonist, Evenk folklore, Evenk mythology, cultural heritage of the Evenks, socio-cultural studies of folklore

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