Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article is devoted to the study of the image of peasants' everyday life in Russia in the second half of the 19th century through the analysis of the haymaking plot in paintings. The paper analyses four paintings, the main theme of which is peasant labour during the haymaking period, as well as two works depicting peasants' rest during haymaking. The peculiarities of the peasants' clothing, the social and gender-age structure of the characters, and the techniques and tools used during field work were characterised. Analyses of the iconography of the haymaking season and its image made it possible to go beyond the isolated features of the paintings and turn to the general historical and cultural context. The study revealed the traditions that characterise the image of peasant everyday life in nineteenth-century Russia, and identified similarities and differences between these traditions in different villages and parts of the country. Thus, the characters of all the works are united by the harmonious nature of labour and the seeming ease of work performed by peasants. There is also a common approach to the characters representing child and women's labour. It was revealed that the traditions of the haymaking scene in the territory of Malorossiya differ significantly from the representations in the rest of Russia, which is reflected in the depiction of clothes, as well as in the representation of oxen in the haymaking scene. However, the traditions of the haymaking season image in other parts of Russia also have differences in the costume of the characters and the gender and age distribution of field work. Thus, it was concluded that there are no traditions of the image of the haymaking season and peasant society of the 19th century that are unified for the whole Russia.

haymaking, painting, Russian peasantry, everyday life, art

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