Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article is devoted to the peculiarities of the artistic language of the French Enlightenment painter Jacques-Louis David. One of the central themes in his work is the historical and heroic theme, represented in a number of large-scale works that he created throughout his life. All of them predominantly reveal the idea of the hero's service to the highest ideals, the primacy of reason over feelings and the willingness to sacrifice himself for the future. The representative of David's historical and heroic works is the canvas "Leonidas at Thermopylae", which was created for 15 years and finished in the late period of the master's work, in 1814. The study of the canvas using the methods of measurement, formalisation, analysis, synthesis, interpretation and induction, made it possible to identify the basic techniques and images used by the master, expressing his understanding of the "heroic feat" that makes history "great and sacred".

Artistic language, classicism, historical-heroic painting, J.-L. David, analysis

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