On the issue of the relationship between the state of learned helplessness and the products of art therapy
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Modern psychology is increasingly turning in its research to the phenomenon of learned helplessness, due to the high prevalence of this condition among representatives of different age groups. This actualizes a detailed study of what this phenomenon is and what ways to solve this problem are effective and appropriate today. The phenomenon of learned helplessness in modern psychology is described as a condition in which an individual does not strive to improve his situation, while having such opportunities. An analysis of literature and scientific research indicates that this phenomenon manifests itself in four personal spheres of a person: emotional, motivational, cognitive, and volitional. It becomes possible to study the conditions and mechanism of formation of learned helplessness in the process of ontogenesis by studying deficit manifestations in these areas of personality. The process of therapy of the identified deficiencies requires a multifunctional approach, taking into account the multicomponent structure of the claimed condition. Art therapy meets the required characteristics and allows you to explore the formed distortions at a deep level. A wide range of tools used in this approach allows you to flexibly choose an individual approach in drawing up a psychological work plan, strengthening the resource qualities of the subject and avoiding retraumatization in the process. An important connecting element is the subjectivity of self-perception in the presence of a symptom complex of learned helplessness in a psychological history and the subjectivity of the products of art therapy work carried out with a person for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.

personality, learned helplessness, independence, art therapy, psychodiagnostics

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