The Theory of Blended Learning in Modern China: Trends of Future Development. Part 2
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyzes the modern theory of blended learning, which is developing today in the People's Republic of China. A review of theories that can be most effective in implementing blended learning is provided. The foundation of the educational program (curriculum) of blended learning is systems theory (the theory of complex systems), the theory of complex communications, activity theory and the theory of the “community of inquiry”. The basic ideas of these theories are considered in the context of complex relationships between students and teachers, where both sides of the relationship are active, and the concept of education has a very broad interpretation. In the collective monograph of Chinese scientists “Handbook of Educational Reform Through Blended Learning” (2024), the third section of the first chapter, “Theoretical Foundations for Blended Learning,” is of great importance, the contents of which are presented in this publication. The conclusion is drawn about the promise of the theory of blended learning for innovative processes in modern Russian education.

Blended Learning, China, theories of blended learning, Community of Inquiry

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