The image of Chinese society in the art of Jia Zhangke
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
China is an inexhaustible resource for both artists and researchers in various fields of science. Since the 1980s, the country has been in a process of complex and ambiguous transformation: collectivism with roots much deeper than the communist doctrines of the 20th century has faced integration into a culture of individualism. This spectrum of creative and destructive processes, which coexist at different levels of society, is reflected in the work of sixth-generation directors, particularly in the cinema of Jia Zhangke. The study reveals and describes the image of Chinese society in Jia Zhangke's works: the main meaning-making characteristics of the films (aesthetic and contextual) are recorded and the corresponding cinematic methods of the author are analyzed.

China, globalization, image of Chinese society, film studies, sixth generation of directors

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