Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The relevance of the research topic is due to a number of factors. It should be noted that with the presence of the most important scientific achievements and discoveries in the modern world, as well as the process of secularization, interest in religion and the general religiosity of people living in Russia is increasing. In addition, one can observe the emergence of fundamentally new religious movements and sects, despite the popularity of traditional forms of religion. Modern people are in a situation of making a difficult decision: maintaining traditional religious identity or following a transforming modern society, which leads to a change in identity. This article is devoted to the study of the uniqueness of the religious identity of young people in Krasnoyarsk. During the study, a survey was conducted in an online format using Google Forms. 102 Krasnoyarsk residents (students) took part in it. Processing and analysis of the survey results showed that young people believe in the presence of the otherworldly, God and celebrate religious celebrations (Christmas, Easter), which primarily indicates their Orthodoxy. At the same time, approximately 25% of respondents have not yet formed a religious identity.

religious identity, religiosity, questioning, youth, students, Krasnoyarsk

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