Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents a study of the image of the family in Japanese culture and Japanese cinema. The family in Japanese culture was formed as a social and religious association, and gradually became a mechanism for relaying national traditions. But modern transformational cultural processes affect the family as an institution, and it is undergoing changes, while not abandoning the old foundations. Cinema as an art form represents the current state of the Japanese family. The film works of the recognized director Hirokazu Koreeda («Nobody knows», «Like father, like son», «Shoplifters») were chosen as the material of the study. As a result, it was revealed that the main characteristics of the image of the family in Japanese culture are the change in the gender distribution of roles in the family, the comparison of different types of families to fix the changes that have occurred, the lack or decrease in attention to children by parents, the lack of attention to single-parent families by the state and the public, the preservation of the cult of ancestors, the clash of traditional and modern views on the family, the representation of the image of the family through children's drawings

Japanese cinema, Hirokazu Koreeda, image of family in cinema, Japanese culture

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