Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
By means of formal stylistic, compositional and iconological art criticism analysis, as well as the culturological concept of a complex Siberian identity, the article defines the artistic principles found by V. I. Surikov for the embodiment of Siberian identity in the visual arts. Used by his followers – Krasnoyarsk realist artists of the XX and early XXI centuries as visual patterns, these principles are actual artistic images of regional identity. The key plot on which Krasnoyarsk artists, following Surikov, based in revealing the image of Siberian identity is the theme of seeing off winter in Krasnoyarsk. Classical and modern ethnographic (cultural, religious, linguistic) works showing the regional specifics of Maslenitsa rituals and traditions are involved in the study. The article also highlights the role of V. I. Surikov in the development of professional art in Krasnoyarsk and reveals the principles of his artistic thinking in the traditions of Krasnoyarsk art education.

V. I. Surikov, Siberian identity, historical genre, art of Krasnoyarsk, K. I. Matveeva, A. M. Znak, Krasnoyarsk art education

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